A 3D printed strategy board game for up to four players.
Game tokens for this model are compatible with Four-in-a-Row .
How to Play Players take turns adding two tokens with their assigned color(s) into the board to create chains of their color.2 players: Each player has two colors. 3 or 4 players: Each player has a single color. Players continue to place tokens until the playing field is filled or (in the case of a 3-player game) all tokens are used. Final scores are determined by the longest chain for each player.For games with 2 players, add the length of the longest chain for both of the players' colors. If there is a tie, the player that went later in the play order wins.
Scores are derived by the longest possible chain created per color. In the case of a 2-player game, add the scores for both of your colors.
Optional House Rules During a 2-player game, the players must play both of their colors every turn. This reduces strategic options for a simpler game. Assign bonus points to less experienced players before the game begins.
Customization Standard Board - More compactLockable Board - Supports a sliding lock bar to store game tokens within the board.Lockable Board with Lockable Feet - Substitutes the lock bar to feet that act as a lock bar.Storage Bin - A token storage bin that splits into two bowls for use during play.Printing All parts can be printed without supports. Parts must print flat to work well. Add a brim if curling or bed adhesion is an issue. Print four uniquely colored sets of 14 tokens (56 tokens total). Token colors should be easy to distinguish. Two perimeter walls is sufficient for the game board, but increase this if you want a stronger print. Assembly Screw together all tokens. Threads should be loose enough to tighten by hand, but results will depend on filament used, print settings, and printer.If the threads are too tight, try adding water to the thread to lubricate it. Or print the “loose” version of the token. If the threads are too loose, glue the token halves together. Connect the feet. Add glue if you wish for these to be permanently attached. Can I sell copies of this? Yes! This project was shared under the Creative Commons - Attribution license.
This license allows selling copies, but you must provide proper attribution, as detailed in the license itself.
Please note that any other projects linked here (remixes or related projects) may have a different license. Please respect those licenses. This license applies only to the model files (STL, 3MF, STEP, F3D) included in this project. It does not apply to photos, videos, my logo, or other supplemental graphics attached to or displayed with this project.
Recommended Attribution Text
"Zaggrivation" (https://3dprinty.xyz/project/139) is designed by 3D Printy (https://3dprinty.xyz) and shared under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)