Ghostbusters coaster

Ghostbusters coaster. Remix of "Ghostbusters Coaster Round" by nerdyviews (I added a raised edge around the coaster,…
updated March 12, 2023



Printed this two ways, once with a majority black PLA and once with a majority white PLA. Both had some bleeding issues on the ghost from the layers underneath but that's not a model issue so much as a slicer one.

The "white core" version came out much crisper as I paid more attention to the infill on the edge of the "no" symbol and also enabled ironing.

My only complaint is that the outer perimeter isn't truly round and has noticeable edge rides where the line segments are located. The inner detail, however, is immaculate.

Made it 200% scale on the z axis and used glow in the dark filament for the ghost. (edited)

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