Parametric Shelves for Modern Gridfinity Case

A customable parametric shelves for matthew's awsome modern gridfinity case
updated October 25, 2024



What is this?

Thanks Matthew @unrepentantgeek for his great modern gridfinity case (MGC). 

I printed it with my size, a lots of it. Soon I realize that to get the case under the buttom is a pain point, I notice @Scale_RC_Ger_1156341 already created one but not match my customized size. 

Hence I create this parametric shelves that everyone can customize for their own


How can I use it?

  1. Check your MGC size, for example:  x: 5 y: 3 z: 6
  2. Decide how many layer for the shelves, 4 layers for example 
  3. Then it's named as 5x3x6x4 for the stl file 
  4. Check if existing pre-exported files match your requirement 
  5. If not GO TO onshape link copy and make your own configuration
  6. Skadis hook is included, it has two patterns, usually you will only need pattern A, for some case like coner of the board, you might need pattern B
  7. 3 same type hooks for one shelves except MGC X width 2, it only need 2 hooks


Let me know if any question. 

Happy printing.


change log:

v1.0: initial release



Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

a shelves for it
