THE TOY FACTORY (Bundle version)

A beautifully detailed 3D model that captures the magic of Christmas! The Bundle includes 2 versions. Static & moving.
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updated December 13, 2024



Great template.
I had a lot of fun printing it. I just used my MMU3 a few times and adjusted the coloring. Unfortunately, something is not working properly with my package conveyor belt. It always gets stuck after a few revolutions and then has to be pushed again. Nevertheless, a great and festive template. I can only recommend it.

Hi :) đź‘‹
Thank you 🙏

I’ve updated the following files that affect the MOVING VERSION or THE TOY FACTORY.
If you've already printed these parts and your belt is moving freely, there's no need to reprint them.
However, if you've encountered issues with tolerances and the moving belt isn't working properly, I recommend reprinting the updated files. These changes should help resolve the issue, as I've adjusted the tolerances to compensate for some printer accuracy variations.
The affected files are:
•CONVEYOR BELT MIX PARTS – v01 (now v02)
•CONVEYOR BELT FRAME – v01 (now v02)
Feel free to replace the previous parts with these updated versions and give it another try. :)
Additionally, I’ve updated the Bambu Lab project file to include the new parts:
•Bambu Lab TOY FACTORY – MOVING Belt FRAME and GEARS – v01 (now v02)
If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year!
Happy printing!
Fulv :)

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