This is a remix of my previous print:
NOTE: Recommended upgrade for LACK enclosure!
IMPORTANT: For bottom side, use nylock nuts! That way, your HB cables are harder to rattle loose.
If you often print with ABS, I recommend to print the HB cover from ABS. Since there is plastic between nuts and heated bed, PETG may soften and HB cables could loosen slightly. Please be aware of that.
ALSO NOTE: The files with _chamfer extension are slightly shrunk at the base to prevent elefoot.
I saw that lot of you liked timiverse's angled HB cable cover and my remix of it.
But I still felt it should be further improved.
What I hated was the way of assembling cables with nyloc nut from below, when you had to hold with pliers and also the fact, that cable cover itself is held by one screw only.
One day after experimenting with cura fuzz, my HB cable cover got loose, cable loosened too and this issue in the end caused higher resistance and excessive heating that melted cable cover. I felt this should be solved (because I fell in love with fuzz :))
Therefore I designed this cover, that has these features:
+ bigger and reinforced lower half
+ lower half also holds the nuts, no need of inconvenient assembly gripping nyloc with pliers (because who the hell has 5.5 wrench?)
+ longer body to ease the bending of cables
+ HB cover now being held by 3 screws instead of one
-middle screw still requires multiple washers (M3x8 too short, M3x10 too long)
Assembly is very intuitive, just check the photos and off you go.
Happy printing! I hope it serves you well :)
The author remixed this model.