Xenomorph Toolhead for Sovol SV08

The toolhead made for the SV08 using the original planetary gear extruder
updated January 23, 2025



Later edit:  23. January 2025

Added the LED.CFG this is what i use on my toolhead. Just download the LED.INI and change the extension from ini to cfg

after uploading it to you machine add [include led.cfg] to your printer.cfg



We have now a X carriage for Beacon/Carto/IDM Probe

thanks to our friend  Alexandro

now we have a new hotend supported. 


A smaller and much lighter version is Xenomorph Orbiter 


Later Edit 24. November. 2024
Thanks to our member  ShnableFlob   we have discovered that if you want to use Xenomorph with our 3D Printed Gantry you will have a small issue. 

So we have edited some part to can be also compatible wit our 3D Printed Gantry! 


The Pink Parts are modified to accommodate the 3D Printed gantry.
We will delete the old likes and we will add the new ones. that are compatible with or without the 3D printed Gantry ;) 


Later Edit 01. November 2024
We have updated the face cover with a little bigger hole under the top magnets to easy routing the cables if you want to use them as pogo pins. you need to see Rick video how he did it. 

The idler door now has a stop to don't fall the locking pin. 

The Extruder front Cover has now  holes under the magnets in case you want to use them as a pogo pins

Updated also the X carriage if you want to use the magnets 

Also added the straight stain relief!



Later Edit:29 October 2024
uploaded a new Xenomorph Face upgrade featuring improved air ducts, optimized cable management for part cooling fans, and LED nozzles. This design allows you to use magnets as pogo pins for easy LED and fan connections, making it super convenient to detach the face entirely for quick and hassle-free printer maintenance!

Thanks to our member Rick that came with this idea and soon on his Youtube channel you will see a how to video! 


Later Edit: 19. October 2024

Thanks to our member Fazzical we fixed another small bug with the hot-end holder for the SV08 files are updated. 

Later Edit: 15. October 2024
Thanks to our member Tobi   that spotted an issue with the bambulab hot-end holder
If you want to use the bambulab hot-end you need to download the back holder and reprint it.


Also we found out that in the Extruder main body for the MMU (that includes a filament cutter) we forgot to add a recess for the cable management. 


Files are updated please download the new one.


Later Edit: 11. October. 2024
We updated knomi v2 back cover 

And we have update the Extruder Main body for both version with and without cutter! 



Later Edit:
We have added a belt helper for easier access https://www.printables.com/model/1027579-sovol-sv08-belt-helper-for-x-carriage

Scroll down for the assembly video

We have added the tool-board cover 



Please before you start READ The Manual! 
CN3D - Xenomorph Tool-Head .pdf

Scroll down for the assembly video


Here you can see Xenomorph using Klicky and all the other features.


Here you can See what is capable Xenomorph using BTT Eddy as a probe!









Xenomorph Toolhead for Sovol SV08 

Before attempting to download, read the entire description carefully. There are multiple combos and versions, so it's important to pay attention to know what to print.




Turbine                                                    Knomi V1, V2

Turbine                                        V1                                        V2


you have 7 hot ends holder to chose from if you want to use a different holder please submit a request and we will try to solve it! 


If you want to use Felix's CWT - OXC Nozzle Adapter Kit just use the SV08 hotend holder

Thanks to our member rickkollins for the help! 



Bill of Materials (BOM)    



Print Files and Settings

All files are available on Printables, with the following recommended print settings:

  • Material: ABS/ASA we recommend Polymaker 
  • Infill: 30% gyroid
  • Perimeters: 4
  • Top Layers: 5
  • Bottom Layers: 5
  • Layer Height: 0.2mm




All the part are pre orientated and only the Face it has painted supports.  for the rest of the parts use the preselected orientation and use support ( ABS supports are easy to remove) 


I want to Thanks to BigTreeTech for sending Electronics to make this build And to Polymaker for sending the filament 



The filament cutter it is still under development. so any feedback it is much appreciated. 



Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
