Hexagonal Nanoleaf - Hexaleaf

Great design!

Prusa MK3/S/S+
February 8, 2023 at 4:43 PM


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@Hobbit1337_193991 nice! i was close in my estimates, i was thinking of using clear instead of white for the cover part. But white would likely look nicer. But 200 print hours is nuts! thanks for the warning

@MichaelFolz_756929 I just completed this tonight, pictures to come. Ended up using about 1kg pla white, 250g petg black. Approx 200 hrs total print time, including a few errors. Overall really like the end product.

I'm thinking about making it myself, quick estimates from my slicer
black = 364g
white = 747.6g
clear petg =183.54g

I would add about +20% to these numbers as i did quick estimates. but if i were to make this i would make it using 100% petg or abs. This looks like a lot of work and i would want it to stand up to the sands of time.

@sixregrets_9408 Looks great! How much filament did you end up using?