MiSTer PI Console Case with TapTo integration

Very nice revisitation of the retrofrog model for the Mister Pi and the Tapto.

If I have to make 2 criticisms :

- The cost of the spare parts which cannot be found in Europe except on Amazon US at a very high price due to shipping costs, equivalent parts from aliexpress could be good.

- On the model itself at the back an additional screw to tighten well would be useful.

Thanks for sharing!!

Bambu Lab X1
November 29, 2024 at 2:56 PM


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@Tibofr_515225 I see your tapto usb-c cable is hitting the vga adapter and causing the back of the top to bulge. I'm not sure how the original maker got around this, but for me, I shifted the rear usb ports down and didn't use the bottom stand-offs.