6mm PTFE Tube Mod for Prusa XL

Another outstanding 3d printable idea from Repkord, thank you Pooch!

This was pretty straight forward to replace, I did modify the file for the Prusa XL filament sensor to have 6mm collets and can share them if anyone is interested.

I am currently testing between the stock 4mm tubes on the other extruders and this 6mm tube and I feel significantly less resistance, which should really help with filaments with a rough finish such as PC-CF as well as tricky filaments to load like TPU. My only struggle is the filament seems to get caught on an inside edge of the 6mm connection on the tool head, but I just need to find one with a tapered hole or maybe modify the ones I have with a drill. Overall super happy 😊. (edited)

Prusa XL
October 24, 2024 at 11:52 PM


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@Jerrari Please share the sensor change? Wouldnt mind changing out deeper into the system

@Gene_48350 ok good to know I'm not alone with that issue lol, I'm going to try the same thing, I'm really surprised they make them this way without a taper inside.

@Jerrari mine also gets caught on inside edge i converted all 5 heads and so far i have drill 2 of them out , sometimes they load okay sort of hit and miss wish i could find a smooth connector, other wize it seems to work great once loaded