QIDI X-Max3 Lid Holder

I really liked this design, but it tips over pretty easy with the lid in place.

Update : I failed to mount it to the top of the printer as shown in the pictures, thus the issue I was having with it unsecured. (edited)

Qidi Tech X-Max 3
June 14, 2024 at 2:44 AM


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I feel dumb. I did not think to mount it to the top of the printer like that and had been using it loose on a table next to the printer (thus the overturn issue). It fits the lid great and I really like the look of it. I will mount it today. Thanks again for the model

@Firestonevik_1860681 I used sticky glue strips to hold it to the top of the printer and haven't had any issues.

Or are you experiencing a different issue and I am misunderstanding?