Bristol Makers

The creative maker community of Bristol, UK
Bristol, United Kingdom

Created August 9, 2023

Group information

Bristol is a creative city, and the maker community is part of that.

Known around the world for it's architects, engineers, Bristol is a hub of creative innovation, but as well as fun, it can also utilize it's powers for good, and we were home to Hack the Pandemic, one of the worlds largest pop-up organisations producing and distributing free 3D Printed PPE during the pandemic lockdown.

This is a group for those in Bristol and the surrounding areas of South West England who want to chat and help each other out with their exploration in the world of 3D printing and general maker tech.

We have a number of maker spaces here who I hope will get involved in this community, but please join up, introduce yourself and help each other out. Once we get a few members together I can organize a meetup.


Bristol, United Kingdom
Bristol, United Kingdom