On older printer mainboards, such as the Mightyboard RevE clone in my CTC, you may find that the stepsticks have the pinout on opposite sides. This makes replacing or upgrading the stock stepsticks with new ones quite a challenge.
This is a simple passive PCB which flips the pinout and allows insertion of a new stepstick.
BOM Per board:
2x 2.54mm 8-pin Header (Can be cut from longer header)
eg. https://cpc.farnell.com/multicomp/mc34739/header-1-row-vert-20way/dp/CN14497
2x 2.54mm 8-pin Socket
eg. https://cpc.farnell.com/multicomp/2212s-08sg-85/socket-pcb-1-row-8way/dp/CN14534
1x 2.54mm 2-pin Socket (Optional, for Diag & Vref pins)
eg. https://cpc.farnell.com/multicomp/2212s-02sg-85/socket-pcb-1-row-2way/dp/CN14529
Version 2.2: Simply needs assembly of above parts, drop-in
Version 2.3: Includes 3 open solder pads on the PDN & CLK pins, allowing you to disconnect them w/o needing to tamper with the stepstick (eg TMC2209)
Includes all kicad files, and Geber files if you just want to send the files off to a boardhouse (eg PCBway or Aisler)
You should note that these boards add aprox 12mm height to your stepsticks, and stick out about 20mm into your mainboard (See cover image)
L'auteur a marqué ce modèle comme sa propre création originale.