Simple but nice 24 key box / organizer for wall mounting

A key box with room for 24 keys. To be mounted on a wall. Size depth: 73 mm (closed) width: 210 mm height: 240 mm
aktualizováno 1. října 2023



The key box can be printed for instance on a Bambu Lab X1 Carbon in two runs, as long as you don't let it do the flow calibration.

The pin of the hinge is a piece of filament, glued only in the top knuckle with a little drop of superglue, but any appropriate glue can be used.

It's a simple design, but I printed at least 7 or 8 prototypes with different hinges and latches and doors before I came to this one.

Version 2

The hinge is bigger, therefor stronger, it prints better and it is easier to thread the pin through the hinge.

Furthermore, there is now a good working latch.


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