Prusa MINI+ Heatbed cable support (clip on)

An improved version of the 'MK3 or MINI Heatbed Cable Support (Easy Clip On)' specifically for the MINI.
1h 5m
1× tiskový soubor
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
11.00 g
aktualizováno 24. prosince 2022



I like the concept of ‘MK3 or MINI Heatbed Cable Support (Easy Clip On)’ by INeedOneDesigns but the part for the MINI was a bit too loose for my liking and has some small issues.

I've ended up rebuilding/redesigning the part completely based on the MINI+ parts made available by Prusa, since the part for the MINI, made by INeedOneDesigns, had some weird alignments and angles. 
In the end, the result is basically the same clip, but with some small tolerance adjustments and a larger clip-on body so that the clip is on more snugly. 

As an added bonus I dropped in some branding on the top and the possibility to zip tie the cable neatly.

How to print

  • Material: Any solid.
    • I used Prusament Prusa Orange PETG
  • Layer height: 0.20mm
    • Since the part is quite small, any change to layer height might mess up the tolerances!
  • Perimeters: 2
  • Infill: 15% gyroid
  • Supports: everywhere
    • Snug supports are preferred.
    • Overhang threshold on 15° (for zip tie storage location).
    • Increasing pattern spacing for support materials to 5mm reduces wasted material and helps in ease of removal.
    • Due to small tolerances, triple check if you have removed all the supports after printing. Otherwise the part will not fit properly.


If you like my effort, give this design a like and share makes!


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