Printed with das Filament Green Gold PLA. Result is really nice. Thanks for the Model.

Printed with das Filament Green Gold PLA. Result is really nice. Thanks for the Model.
Started playing Portal again, and wanted to make some fun magnets. This design was great. The snaps are a little hard to get in, but hold really well once you get them! I added a few recesses so I could press fit some magnets in the back. Plenty strong to hold up pictures n'at.
@thinkingalaud It hasn't been a hassle yet, but it's probably two hours old at this point. I feel like side of the portal is big enough to that it's fairly easy to pull that way. Maybe adding a small chamfer to the bottom edge might make it a little easier.
I was originally thinking I'd need to epoxy the person in, but I will say the figure snaps in so tight that I think it makes a usable handle too. :-)
@ajc317 good point!
Great model! Scaled to 150% here. While I typically love making inner holes in models to fully embed magnets with a print pause, in this case it was for my kid's wooden door so i just slapped some velcro on :)
Might make another with the magnets for my fridge though, we're on big Portal binge right now. (edited)
Awesome :)
Think I will have to make some more… My wife steals them from me…
Thank you.
@Ligu0rien very cool pattern on the bottom!
@thinkingalaud Thanks :)
That’s simply Octagram Spiral for bottom surface.
@QuietMike nice! what are you putting in a planter that small!?
@thinkingalaud i have a batch of Euphorbia obesa seedlings that need their own little pots now.
Very nice-looking design and works perfectly without supports. 20% Infill.
I've printed a bunch of these in recycled Prusament PETG and they're perfect every time, thanks :)