J 19 js500 @js500 7 Wonders (Second Edition) Insert / Organizer - Fits Edifice, Leaders, Cities, and Armada in Base Box 128 5 920
13 Cherry Labs @Cherry_Labs Unique print in place laptop stand - Super portable - Adjustable angles 49 4.8 315
13 Measure Once Cut Twice @MeasureOnceCutTwice Dragon Head Dice Tower (Supportless Print) 448 5 2,202
31 Meister Edel @MeisterEdel Robust Finger Skateboard V2 - Durable, Rollable, Fully printable & Skaleable! 75 4.3 233
D 15 debren27 @debren27 Bambu Build Plate Holder with 2-8 tapered slots, open infill, optional tongue 378 5 3,096
11 adammilnesmith @adammilnesmit_735461 Prusacaster - Correctly placed hardware; side and bridge threaded inserts; and strap holes 37 0 132
26 MaxT @MaxT Snow Globe - Cat, with an optional custom display stand for freestanding use (Christmas ornament) 135 5 928