TrashPandaHobbies 13
published a new model November 5, 2023 at 6:39 AM
November 5, 2023 at 6:39 AM

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TrashPandaHobbies 13
published a new model November 5, 2023 at 3:00 AM
November 5, 2023 at 3:00 AM

This looks really good and I appreciate the length and detail of the description, thank you for this.

I'd like to see a variant for Euro coins, sizes can be found here for example: (5 cent or higher as there are countries not having the 1+2 cent coins).

Might be just me, but ribbing I found to be hit or miss depending on fingers and sizes, knurling however works well and I'd like to see an option for this.

Thanks for making these!

Hey, thanks for the shout out, I am glad that you were inspired by my creation. Keep it up and feel free to reach out with what magnets to use for the proper grip strength and rotation if you need to..

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TrashPandaHobbies 13
published a new model March 21, 2023 at 1:29 AM
March 21, 2023 at 1:29 AM

Could you make one that has a horizontal female connection too?

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@DevonPucel_298819 I added a horizontal mount and some versions with the male link instead. If you give any of them a try please let me know how it works. Still learning how to modify and make my own models. The only unfortunate part for you will be figuring out some good support settings! (edited)

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