23 Doug Joseph (design8studio) @design8studio VACUUM HOSE HANGER (DOUBLE) - for hose up to 63.5 mm (2.5 inch) v.1.2 291 0 530
15 Bwil415 @Bwil415_191736 Bins for Harbor Freight 20 Bin Medium Portable Parts Storage Case 55 5 267
11 Boosted @Boosted_285384 Harbor Freight Case Ikea Trofast Storage Parts Case Rail Adapters 85 5 251
5 printable @printable_677653 Drawer Slide Mounts for Harbor Freight Parts Storage Case (Lego Storage) 123 0 189
9 matttheamateur @matttheamate_2540442 Router Guide Bushing Storage Box W/ Lid and Measurements (Harbor Freight) 7 0 23