Modified the .stl a little to get some more details into the wheels and lights. Great result from this!

Modified the .stl a little to get some more details into the wheels and lights. Great result from this!
@jshock_271637 Had the previous X3 in Phytonic blue, great choice of color :)
@SeeBar_949946 Never planned on having a blue car.. but the color is just so striking and looks good at any angle
@Dieti_515813 white also looks great
The helmet looks very good, it would be nice to do it rc.
@SeeBar_949946 the shape of the ship
@CarlesSalom_964720 thanks, id highly appreciate a nice make
Very interesting concept! However, launching an Me-262 of that short flight deck would not be feasible even with a steam catapult and JATO assist. The ambitious designer would be better to accommodate the various vertical lift types that might have been available in 1946 and on! ;)
Hi i see a stand in the photo, but there is no file for it. Could you give the file. Planing to print waiting for filament