14 Migueppc @migueppc_1462835 Gift Box: Cylindrical Design with Threaded Lid and Decorative Options 26 4.5 108
19 GamerForge @GamerForge BOTW/TOTK Bokoblin Chest - empty chest! (Zelda Breath of the Wild) 663 4.9 2,400
13 SMiF @JakubOprzadek_364269 Modular Organizer With an infinite number of combinations MODULBOX 880 4.8 1,709
15 Winner3DPrints @W3DP_318251 OralB Toothbrush Head Case - Strengthened Close Latch - Easy Print in place 1,261 4.9 3,044
13 HaughtyGrayAlien @HaughtyGrayAl_244071 Tupperware Lid Holders (Kitchen Organiser) 7,548 4.8 13,761
30 Rob Beast (All Things STL) @Allthingstl Honey Comb Wall remixes and introducing my new Screw Wall!!! 13,661 4.9 33,824