@SebastianL Thank you for your make, that looks pretty good!
I used up a very wet, older role of Bronze PETG Matterhack?
It worked great. So much so that when I put the new nozzle in that I was so excited how easy it was that I forgot to put the sock back on. arghh.
@Haggard_1076199 Thank you for your make and the five star review!
@Tiffi226_1777499 thank you for the make and your review!
Etwas anders angeordnet, aber das geht auch gut. Die reifen habe ich ebenfalls in TPU gedruckt.
@DirkZufall Danke für die Bewertung und das Make,
ich hatte gar nicht bedacht, dass man den Spulenhalter auch mit dem Prusa Enclosure benutzen kann. Ist aber eine richtig gute Idee! (edited)
I printed the Silent Spool Holder for the Original Prusa i3 MK3 Enclosure to improve filament handling and reduce noise during printing. To make this project even more interesting, I used Jerryie's Print-in-Place Bearings instead of traditional ball bearings.
The assembly process was straightforward. The print-in-place bearings required no additional preparation—just a quick twist to free them after printing. They slotted seamlessly into the spool holder, and the tires added a final touch of smooth operation.
Jerryie's Print-in-Place Bearings:
Was für einen Innendurchmesser hat das Teil?
@Luis_164252 danke, beim Messschieber waren die Batterien alle deswegen nur mit dem Zollstock gemessen. Ich kam auf 16mm. Da ich nur nen mini habe, habe ich gleich den ganzen Ständer der Mondlampe auf das passende Maß reduziert. Die Fassung klemmt ganz gut. Wenn die Lampe nicht gut wird werd ich deinen Adapter verwenden. Danke für die Info
@cptjan_194216 Das klingt nach einem guten Plan. Ich wünsche dir viel Erfolg mit dem Mond. Ich habe damals mit meinem MK3S+ mehrere Anläufe gebraucht. Die wichtigsten Änderungen zum Erfolg waren hochwertiges PLA und eine reduzierte Druckgeschwindigkeit.
What do you do with the birds once you catch them in this net? Have you found strawberries to be good bait?
Ok seriously though, neat design and exactly what I was looking for, thanks! The birds have been very aggressive in attacking my garden this year, so hopefully this does the trick.
@Roman_670516 thank you very much four your great comment, this one really had me laughing. I'm glad you found the design useful. Feel free to post a make after you have printed it.
Printed a couple in PETG (green) and ASA (blue). Both have 3 walls and 25% gyroid infill.
Took me 3 tries to get the PETG ones to print, but that was due to my printer not the design. It sometimes refuses to print small PETG parts. Switching from liquid glue to a glue stick did the trick, but a brim probably would have worked as well.
Clever design that is very functional, quick to print and uses very little material. When I first saw these they were the right size, but I may need to print some extensions now as my strawberry plants have started growing like crazy. Danke schön! (edited)