11 Petr Kašpar @PetrKaspar_826992 Galileo 2 extruder with two sensors - before and after extruder for ERCF 63 0 249
15 Alia5 @Alia5_155893 Galileo 2 (G2E) Filament runout sensor (UPDATED) [Filametrix and ERCF compatible] 136 5 635
9 Sebastian @Sebastian_96540 Afterbearner the Prusa Bear Afterburner (StealthBearner now) 242 4.9 1,410
19 KalleKnall @KalleKnall Prusa MK3 / MK3S / MK3S+ X-Axis Linear Rail Guide Upgrade - updated (Bondtech Extruder) / MK3S+ Tensioner 521 5 2,755