26 Ondřej Stříteský @OndrejStritesky Drybox for Prusa Printer Enclosure V2 - without humidity sensor 882 4.7 10,079
26 Ondřej Stříteský @OndrejStritesky Spool holder and drybox for Enclosure V2 - with humidity sensor 4,412 4.7 17,144
26 Ondřej Stříteský @OndrejStritesky Standalone Drybox, spool holder - with humidity sensor 637 4.7 4,864
12 Jason Englert @JasonEnglert_817600 Bowden passthrough for the Original Prusa Enclosure (Quad magnetic connectors) 2 0 11
31 Meister Edel @MeisterEdel Filament Cap for PTFE Tubes with Silicagel Container M10 push fitting 25 5 63
21 CrooksUSA @CrooksUSA_454719 Ender 3 S1 Pro Filament Runout PTFE attachment - Remix of a Remix 16 2 75
6 JustMe @JustMe_108639 Prusa MK3 MMU2 rear PTFE tube holder with 6mm threads for push locks 53 5 316