L 9 Lappland Expat @LapplandExpat_609859 Bento box (V1) fan bracket Wago holder (less soldering) with plug for previous cable channel. 3 0 19
5 Areson @Areson_1602415 USB-C Transmitter Box Update for Wireless Bento Box Air Purifier for X1C/P1P 12 5 55
12 Milannekuhh @Milannekuhh_835846 BentoBox V2.0 5020 Blower Fan with PWM fan control and buckconverter 7 0 34
5 tpra7 @SpoolMonitor_414064 BentoBox v2.0 remix of the 5015 remix, for GDSTime fans tight fit 3 0 50