Star Wars X-Wing

T65 X-Wing starfighter at 1:270 scale with moving wings.
2h 17m
4× print file
0.07 mm
0.40 mm
3.00 g
15 k
updated September 14, 2024



Replica of a T65 X-Wing Starfighter at 1:270 scale.

1:270 scale47mm42mm18mm

The standard version is “t65_x_wing_print-in-place.stl”. The wings are print-in-place and can move ~30°. They are printed at 15°, halfway between open and closed. I had to exaggerate the diameter of the cannons to make them less brittle.

It can be used with a small pin and holder from here. If you want to use it, add the peg ("t65_x_wing_peg.stl") as a part before slicing. Works with both the print-in-place version and the alternative version.

Red Squadron

Wing markings for red squadron. Red 1 to 6 should be accurate (at least as far as I could find out), Red 7 to 12 are pure speculation. Just add them as a part before slicing. They work with the standard, print-in-place version only.

Alternative version

This version encompasses the files “t65_x_wing_back.stl”, “t65_x_wing_body.stl", “t65_x_wing_wing_1.stl” and “t65_x_wing_wing_2.stl”.

This is an alternative version which is not print-in-place, but comes in four pieces. The cannons are printed parallel to the printbed, making them less brittle. This allows them to be smaller in diameter. It requires glue and sanding. To put everything together you have to:

  1. Remove all supports. Be carefull seperating the supports under the cannons.
  2. Sand the underside of the wings until they fit into the body and can be closed properly.
  3. Insert the wings into the body. Make sure they are the right way around. They should line up, with the sanded underside pointing down.
  4. Glue on the back cover. Be carefull not to glue on the wings.

Print instruction

Everything can be printed at 0.07mm layer height with supports on buildplate.

On the standard version, external perimeters should be printed first. (In PrusaSlicer: Print Settings → Layers and Perimters → Advanced → External perimeters first)

The cannons on the standard version can cause stringing.


I have changed the wing-joint on the print-in-place version. Previously, the wings only crossed once, but now they cross three times. This increases the stability of the wings, so they dont wobble around as much. You can see the change here:

On my print of version 2, the back of the engines broke off. This is because my printer had some issues during these layers. It had nothing to do with the model itself.

The file “t65_x_wing_print-in-place.stl” and the gcodes represent this updated version 2. You can find the older version 1 in “t65_x_wing_print-in-place_v1.stl".


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Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.


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