9 shane.t @shanet_154343 In Spool Desiccant (SIlica Gel) Container with Hydrometer (or without) NO SUPPORTS REMIX 78 4.9 422
21 Alvomane @Alvomane Xiaomi Aqara sensor compatible back plates / Befestigungsplatte for zigbee model WSDCGQ11LM or DJT11LM 77 5 301
13 Manuel Lesser @ManuelLesser Smarthome Sensor ESPHome 8266 Temp, Humidity, Light, Air pressure 25 5 124
18 Starwhooper @Starwhooper OpenSCAD - D1 Mini casing with cover regarding different shields to protect your temperature measuremtn sensors 19 5 134
13 sh Chow @shChow [updated 0216] Mijia(xiaomi) hygrometer Magnetic holder for bambulab X1/P1p/etc 28 5 86
10 DIY.Mushroom.Tek @DIYMushroomTe_308294 3.3.3 Humidifier with replaceable Parts for Grow Tents (Martha) or Greenhouse Cabinets 24 5 105
12 Matt Mayer @MattMayer_296847 ESPHome Air Quality Sensor Housing (PMS5003 / DHT22 / ESP32 - Remixed for ESP32 DevKit V1) 18 4 106