15 Stay At Home Bob @StayAtHomeBob Sharps Disposal Can for Utility and Hobby (X-Acto) Blades 80 4.9 402
13 SeriousBug @SeriousBug_1594562 Vase Mode Sharps Disposal for Box Cutter and Razor Blades (Gridfinity Compatible) 5 5 41
39 Triple G Workshop @TripleGWorkshop Sealed Syringe Disposal Box - Print in Place - No Supports 28 0 72
K 7 Ks8hdf7 @Ks8hdf7_1226736 US Gallon - Milk Jug / Washer Fluid Container Cap with Connected Turbo Funnel for Disposing Fluids 12 0 65
14 Fried Eggroll with Pho @FriedEggrollw_383793 Razor Disposal Bin (print upside down no support needed) 16 0 44