10 slabua @slabua Heltec LoRa32 V3 Meshtastic Case with Encoder/Buzzer/GPS/Environment sensor, M5Stack CardKB Keyboard-ready 163 5 446
13 Manuel Lesser @ManuelLesser Smarthome Sensor ESPHome 8266 Temp, Humidity, Light, Air pressure 25 5 124
16 Big Dog 3D Creations @BgDog1_861580 Compact Case for use with the WEMOS D1 Mini and a BME280 Temp and Humidity Sensor. 8 5 93
16 MakerMeik @MakerMeik Radiation shield "Stevenson screen" temperature sensor (weather station) 17 0 81
17 pansono @pansono ESP8266 Multi Sensor BME280 (battery powerd) - T, Humidity and hPa, incl. Code 10 0 42
16 mariusbach @mariusbach_1431080 (old v1) ESP32 + BME280 weather station with stevenson screen 7 0 40
7 allmysparetime @sparetime_114703 Sensirion SPS30 / Adafruit BME280 Weatherproof Outdoor Enclosure 1 0 41