26 The Kit Card Guy @theKitCardGuy Boost your multicolor prints! Central filament sensor mount with filament clips for single / double spool configuration for Elegoo Neptune 3 / 4 Pro Plus Max 407 4.9 2,538
20 bazzzzzzz @bazzzzzzz_230758 Neptune 4 series bed alignment guide with bed cable chain (with new bracket for the MAX ) 472 4.8 3,437
D 13 Divixolin @Divixolin_1298306 Elegoo Neptune 4/4PRO Cable Chain (New 90deg mount & Z mount to connect chain) 314 4.5 3,751
8 HalfManBear @HalfManBear_918635 Elegoo Neptune 4 Pro/Plus/Max Front Top Reel / Spool Mount 138 5 820
25 georgmierau @georgmierau Custom build plates for Neptune 3 and 4 (Pro/Plus/Max) for PrusaSlicer and Cura 89 4.8 1,725
26 The Kit Card Guy @theKitCardGuy "slightly" overengineered Anti Drag Cable Holder / Clip for Elegoo Neptune 3 + 4 Series 89 5 849
13 Jacques van Niekerk @Ravenger_1409907 Neptune 4 Spool Roller Mod with Printed Bearings 146 4.5 845