8 V-Labs @VLabs_256532 HyperCube Evolution Ultimate Direct Drive Upgrade (BLTouch + BMG extruder) (Bonus Filament sensor) 18 5 152
12 Bruno Porto @brunofporto_342574 BFPTouch - Poor's man BLtouch. A simple, cheap, neat, precise, compact and reliable any surface Z Proble for bed leveling. 20 5 87
10 scramsby @scramsby_94717 HyperCube Evolution (HEVO) Bondtech LGX Mount with BLTouch and fan duct 4 0 75
K 17 kuhnikuehnast @kuhnikuehnast_3892 Hypercube Evolution Z-Axis Ball-Screw Mount with LM12LUU Axis and rods 4 0 51