Mini Monster Trap for Halloween >:D
1. Plug the plate and holder into the plug connection:
2. Insert the sping into the elongated hole of the claw holder:
3. Push the sping down and put the claws into the small holes of the claw holder:
4. Activate the beartrap and have some fun! :D
Share your Make and leave some feedback!!! I'd love to see your results! Your input helps me improve and inspires the community! A huge thanks in advance! :D
Big Thanks to Luise for letting me use her Finger and Hands! (GIF)
Big Thanks to Jan for letting me use his Ender-3 S1 Pro! (Prototyping and Final Print)
Big Thanks to Dirk for letting me use his Prusa i3 MK3S+! (Prototyping)
Big Thanks to Austin H., Pat_S and max druker for their feedback regarding print recommendations!
Big Thanks to IDK ENGINEERING for the first Make!
Big Thanks to Adam Paxton for his great naming sense!
Happy Printing! Happy Halloween!
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