All printable parts for your Original Prusa MMU2S Unit
Sorted by kit assembly manual chapters. You can use the file list and folder structure here to prepare parts in the same order as you will need them according to the guide.
adapter-printer-mmu2s part differs for MK3S+ and the older MK3S/MK2.5S.
The oldest of the family, MK3, has to be upgraded to MK3S+ version before going with the MMU2S upgrade.
MMU2S unit parts are compatible with the older MMU2 for MK3/MK2.5.
The printed fs-cover-mmu2s and mmu2-selector-front-plate are not directly user-replaceable parts as these come with pre-installed M5 brass threaded insert from factory. We have included the STL files anyway but do not attempt to remove the threaded insert! You will damage both the plastic part and the brass insert! For the newly printed parts, installing the insert yourself isn´t possible without special tools.
The older s-buffer-spacer-hook (for MK3 family only) part is superseded by s-buffer-hook-uni, which is compatible with both MK3 and MK2.5 families (MK3, MK3S, MK3S+, MK2.5, MK2.5S)
The s-buffer-hook-uni needs to be printed 2x if you plan to print the whole upgrade kit.
Look for a number in the brackets in the file description.
s-buffer-spacer needs to be printed 4x.
Files are also available on Prusa3D Github, including some older versions and documentation.
PrusaSlicer's default PETG 0.2mm presets.
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