Ultra-Faceted Cuban Chain v15

A very "3D printed-looking" model of a cuban chain link with connectors, clasp, and charm hanger.
zaktualizowano 7 lipca 2023



NEW v100a CLASP up NOW!! Enjoy!

New v100a files up now!

I took a long enough break to finally have a new idea! I can now present a version that can't kink up but still moves like a chain! It's a little thicker/chunkier, but the profile is nicer and the behavior is the best I've found yet. I've uploaded a 30x length and a pair of partial links to use to connect segments. I'm still working on a nice clasp and re-jigging the hanger to work with the thicker chain, but in the meantime you should be able to just non-uniformly scale the hanger and cut a vertical segment out of a chain link to make a basic hook clasp. 


I had the idea to make a necklace chain that was very faceted and "3D printed-looking" for a dumb jewelry idea and it sort of got out of hand 😅 I wound up printing a version to use as a badge hanger at FormNext this year!

In the end, I'm pretty satisfied with version 15, but I'm still riffing. I got up to version 21 and then backtracked to 18 and am branching off in a different direction. We'll see when/if I upload a new version :D

Print as many 36 link sections as you need (you can fit three of them next to each other diagonally on an Ender 3 Pro bed at 100%) in whatever scale you like, then enough A and a B connectors to hook them to one another. Just dab on a dot of super glue and the connectors should hold well. The clasp is useful for if you want to be able to open and close a shorter chain or to put a charm on or off. The hanger can be used for a charm or a badge holder or whatever else. 





Also, hack this model! Model source on Onshape: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/41b58536e1ec8396ac192e77/w/9d3e2ceea903ffc4d62c92fd/e/62aa932cfeb5439b14f7ce88


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