Duffle Bag Buckle with Secret AirTag Compartment (Keeps your AirTag hidden from Thieves)

If your bag is stolen, this buckle will hide your AirTag's presence, preventing it from being discarded by the thief.
W konkursie AirTag Accessories
22 k
zaktualizowano 12 czerwca 2023



AirTags are a great way to keep track of your valuables, especially while traveling. An AirTag thrown in your suitcase, or hanging from the handle of your bag will provide some peace of mind, and make it easy to recover misplaced luggage, but does little to combat potential theft. In the event that your bag is stolen, a thief can easily find the AirTag and remove it, leaving them able to steal your bag while leaving the AirTag behind.

This AirTag compartment is disguised as a functional duffle bag buckle, keeping it's presence unknown to potential thieves, greatly increasing the chance that your AirTag will fulfill it's purpose in helping you recover your items.

The buckle is designed to fit a standard 2" duffle bag strap, and can be printed in any color to match your favorite piece of luggage. Simply slide the buckle over your strap. place your activated AirTag in the secret compartment, and snap the buckle closed like normal.


A few recommendations for anyone looking to print your own buckle:

I know we all hate printing with support material, but it's definitely necessary for this model. I printed all of mine with “Support Everywhere”, and removing the support material was a breeze. Although not necassary, I printed this model at 100% infill. The arms on the buckle will be subject to a lot of bending, and a solid print will help prevent them from breaking. My last recommendation is to print this model using a heat resistant material like PETG. A PLA print of this model is more likely to warp if left on a sunbeaten tarmac or left in a hot car.


Nagrodzony w konkursie

AirTag Accessories
162 wpisy | 5 sierpnia – 14 sierpnia 2022

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