Creality K1 & K1c Door Hinges Geared Print in Place

In my K1C model, the top hinge wouldn't come off. I had to take the screws out of the casing to get it off. (edited)

Creality K1C
June 30, 2024 at 1:53 PM


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@Mordiev I don't know if Ray will agree with me but after some quick recap I think the safest would be to just remove the two bottom and two top screws - but looking at the front (maybe even with the door closed). Then take the glass in safe place and easily unscrew the top+bottom hinges leftovers from the body.

@Mordiev hmmm... hard to say what is better. I was following the initial guide with bottom loosed first but then I have a problems with loosing the top ones because I was a little surprised that it is not going down as in guide, so I had to improvise :)
One way or another I think it's better to loose bottom first as it is still holding on top. But of course one need to be really careful to not rotate it.
There is maybe also a possibility to hold it with a tape - similar as you suggest to assembly it back, but I don't know if it isn't an overkill :)

@manio_2862351 & @RayHard I am updating the disassembly instructions. Would you suggest loosing the screws from the top or bottom hinge first for the disassembly?

@manio_2862351 This must be different on newer models. I will update the instructions. Thank you.

I have exactly same problem as you. I need to unscrew the top hinge from the case in my K1C. @Mordiev Maybe the disassembly manual has to be updated?