The HomeCube - Prusa Mk4 integration

File set extension for the HomeCube to fit the Prusa Mk4 like a glove
updated July 31, 2024



Note: This file set is an extension to the HomeCube enclosure project. To make use of this file set, you have to download the basic file set and building instructions PDF as well.

These are the files needed to seamlessly and non-invasively integrate the Prusa I3 Mk4 into the cabinet. “Non-invasively” means, in this respect, that none of the the original parts of the printer have to be discarded to make the adaptions needed. And “seamlessly”, of course, means that all of the printer's controls stay accessible even when the cabinet is closed, so one can change settings while printing even when using temperature-sensitive filament.

Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Additional/alternative parts to customise the HomeCube to be used with a Prusa I3 Mk4.
