This is my take on an Iambic Paddle for CW (Morse Code) Operation. It takes inspiration from the CWMorse Pocket Paddles but is smaller and can be made at home!
I Recommend printing this in PETG for durability, but you can print this in PLA if you wish. If you print in PETG, add a brim for the levers and add a support enforcer for the two corners of the base and cover. Do not add supports to the other screw holes on the base since they will be hard to remove. (If that doesn't make any sense then open the 3mf file in PrusaSlicer to see what I mean)
Want to purchase this as a kit? We now have it available for sale on
Print all the parts! You will need 1 of each (Base, Cover, Left Lever, Right Lever, Spring Clip)
Solder the three pieces of wire to the solder lugs and the audio jacks.
using one of the screws, pull an M3 hex nut into the spring hole (the lager hole near the hinge point) on the Left Lever.
Insert the audio jack into the hole on the base. The center tab should be on the bottom.
On each of the levers insert a M3x6 screw onto the flat side. this will be the contact for the levers. Connect the solder lugs to the outside of these screws and secure with a nut.
Push the two M3x16 screws up from the bottom of the base plate where the hinge holes are.
Place a washer on the two M3x16 screws then attach the two Levers.
Secure the screws with nylock nuts. Carefully adjust these so that they allow the levers to easily rotate but not wobble too much.
Insert two M3x8 screws into the distance adjustment pillars.
Insert an M3x10 screw into the hole for the spring tension adjustment. Only thread it partially.
Tilt the paddle on its side and carefully place the Spring Clip into the hole.
Using tweezers, squeeze the spring and secure it between the two spring holes. This can be a bit annoying but it is possible!
Take an M3 Hex nut and push it into the hole under the center pillar hole.
Screw the M3 Standoff into place. Adjust so that the flat edges are normal to the contacts.
Secure the center wire to the standoff with a M3x6 screw.
Make some slight adjustments to the distance screws and spring tension screw. Connect to a transceiver or practice oscillator and make sure the paddle is working!
Take the cover and seal up the key with two M3x20 screws and two M3 nuts.