Drawer End Caps for Husky Workbench

Printed in Sainsmart TPU to protect the adjacent cabinet doors from the ends of the drawers. The fit was perfect.

Prusa MINI / MINI+
May 8, 2023 at 12:23 AM


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@Forker45 All of my drawers click. Both when opening and closing the drawer. I assumed it was the locking bar engaging/disengaging. I have never felt any wiggle between the pull and the drawer and I've had this toolbox around 7 or 8 years. I just recently bought the adjacent cabinets and promptly scratched one of the cabinet doors with the edge of a toolbox drawer. So I need something to soften the edges.

@G999_82959 Awesome. I am curious if your box had clicking noise from the drawer pull or if you were more focused on softening the edges? I had not used TPU yet when I designed these and I bet it would be a great material choice if I did another set.

Thanks for sharing!