Preview of completed ball:
~Important update 2022-01-29~
The bottom hinge for the split version was erroneous, uploaded a new version, name ending with “(fixed)”.
Also added optional stuff, a ‘Heavy Ball’ variant of the top dome (the rest is the same) and a switch game cartridge holder insert.
Added .1 to the version number to denote this update
Officially simply called "Poké ball", but since it's quite distinct from a normal pokéball and the game takes place in ancient times I gave it an descriptive name.
It's sort of an in-between of the hand drawn images found on the website and the 3D models in the trailer.
The tolerances are intentionally on the slightly tight side so make sure to calibrate your flow rate to make dimensionally accurate parts.
Needs a cut-off sewing pin or similar for the latch hinge, everything else is printed.
The hinge is inspired by the trunnions Matthias Wandel uses for his bandsaws.
New 3.1 version of .f3d file to fix a weird bug affecting the steam vent
Added a new version of the bottom hinge that is easier to print. Advantage: No supports that is hard to remove; Drawback: Needs gluing. I simply split it in 2 parts.
First prototype printed, image added. Overall works pretty well, but some tweaks will be done next week.
Added two simple stands
Added printable pin as an alternative to using the M3 screw for the main hinge
BIG UPDATE! Ever single part has been updated in some capacity! Everything new this update has 'rc2' in the name. Was tempted to remove all the old parts for clarity but I've decided to keep them as its part of the model's development history.
There's too many changes to list them all but for example:
Various minor cosmetic tweaks
-Hinge pin is redesigned to be easily removable by hand, and allowing a much stronger print orientation.
-Added a shoulder to bottom hinge parts to more easily position them against each other.
-Decided to use a cut off sewing pin for the latch hinge instead of the steel wire, much stronger and stiffer yet also thinner.
-All parts are now exported in recommended print orientation.
With this I'm now comfortable not calling it a work-in-progress anymore
Had a bad export on the bottom hinge, uploaded new version (rc2b) and removed the erroneous parts. My apologies, I have no excuse for how I missed that.
A split-up partially snap-in-place version is now available!
Hinges and latch are still glued and sewing pin-ned respectively, the rest snap together.
Also new 'b' versions of latch, top half and top hinge for rc2. Slightly enlarged the pin hole and removed the wider section of the hinge for esthetical reasons (Probably didn't need to be widened to begin with)
I've also noticed during the additional test printing that the latch doesn't snap shut the two halves as neatly direct out of printer as I thought, so be prepared to slightly sand the front lip of the bottom half to adjust. Problem is that if it has to be forced shut too hard the latch will split apart at the print layers, and that lip is a bit on the small side to reliably print to exact dimensions.
Also sorry for releasing a major new version after removing the WIP status...
Separated the heavy ball domes to their own remix page
Separated files into folders
Also I've since last update I've learned that the final version in the game has a very visible hinge, but this is touted as being “as seen in the trailer” so whatever, I won't change anything at this point
The author marked this model as their own original creation.