I've added a cut out to mount an end stop as I personally need one and I like having the option available for others :)
This is a remix of Gulsifer's wonderful model allowing you to mount a Dragon Burner toolhead to a MGN12H linear rail while offering you the ability to print with and without a Klicky probe mount.
Which was a perfect starting place for me to make up an adjustment so that I could mount my Beacon probe while avoiding any metal components as required. I would have liked to use the Stealth Burner, but I enjoy using the Dragon Burner tool head as it has plenty of cooling and is quite light.
Just be mindful that different hot end geometry may require further modification to the back plate as shown in one of my photos. I had to remove a section to give clearance for my mosquitos heating block. A step file has been included for such a reason (it's pure insanity… so good luck).
The author remixed this model.
Modified to allow the attachment of a beacon probe while installing the Dragon Burner toolhead to a 2.4 or Trident