Print with PETG (recommended) or PLA (don't know how that will hold up with the heat, but maybe because it is constantly cooled it works? [will test, edit: dit some warping in a closed environment] )
.16 or .20 layer height, no supports needed!
I used another tapered screw to compensate for support structures
got some design issue's due to the extruder on the ender 5s1 is not centered this will not allow to evade the screw on the right. will see if I can compensate the design but it will not cause an issue.
One millimeter to spare at the front support 2020bar
If you are still rocking the 10mm fan i've added a 10mm version also (standard)
any suggestions or design-wishes let me know! Maybe a different logo or air intake.
changes to make:
The author marked this model as their own original creation.