Tom's Gridfinity Bin Builder (FreeCad, over 100 sample STLs)

Customizable Gridfinity Bins. Size, height, dividers, magnet holes, label, lip ... all can be controlled by parameters.
updated October 15, 2023



All you can Print Gridfinity Bins!!

The Gridfinity storage system by Zack Freedman ( is well known and all kinds of uses can be found all over the internet (or in this catalogue). Despite the countless bin variants I was unable to find a really full customizable version to fit all my needs. This is my take to get this done using FreeCad 0.20.2 from the ground up without using any of the provided chamfer tools (no topo naming issues). Shoutout to grizzie17 for the excellent summary of the Gridfinity dimensions

Print one of over 100 prerendered sample STLs

I included many samples and tried to use descriptive file names like:


2x1x5          => Width x Length x Height in Gridfinity grid units

61x21Mag   => 6,1 mm magnet hole diameter, 2,1 mm hole depth 

noDiv          => no dividers

Lip               => with a top lip to enable stacking

Label           => with a lid to add labeling


2x3x3          => Width x Length x Height in Gridfinity grid units

NoMag        => no magnet holes

noDiv          => 1 divider parallel width

Lip               => with a top lip to enable stacking

Label           => no lid for labeling

I printed everything without supports. The label is not always perfect but works. 

As of May 5th files are organized in different subfolders, thus easier to find and download. 

Make your own bin 

Download & open the FreeCad file and double click the spreadsheet symbol (Dim) to start customizing. A more detailed description is given at the end of this document. To change cell values double click the cell and complete by hitting enter. Take care on letter case and the units.



Width, length and height are given in Gridfinity units e.g. 1x2x5 is 1 square by 2 squares big and approx. 40 mm high / 35 mm if the lip is excluded.

You can go as crazy as your printer permits. 

To print bigger bins like the pictured 8x8x5 or more you might need this printer:

Magnet Holes:

You can specify the diameter of the 4 magnet holes in mm. No tolerance is added automatically. A diameter of 0 mm results in no holes at all. You can change the position of the holes as well (MagnetDistance) but deviate from the standard by doing so. 


Lip & Label:

If you want to stack the bins, specify a “yes” (lowercase!) for the lip-field to be included in the model. Similar for the label-field. You can print the label without supports and without lip as shown below in the middle. But it looks better either supported or in combination with dividers.



Specify the number of dividers. One will result in separation of the bin in two compartments. The divider direction is defined by the entries at the top. The colors help you to change the desired value. 


Divider Height:

The height is given in height units to make it easier to have it match the bin height.


Floor Height:

You will not change this value (in mm) usually. But if you want to have a filled model to design specific container by substracting from the model - this might work for you. 












Wall  Thickness:

You can customize the thickness of the walls and dividers (in mm). It is recommended to match the value to your printing setting to achieve walls with two perimeters. Vase mode bins work for small container with lip only.


How to customize in few easy steps:

You need FreeCad (min 0.19) to customize the model. It is a free open source CAD program and apart from the following steps no CAD knowledge is required.

  • Download and install FreeCad (if not installed already)
  • Open the FCStd file you downloaded for this model
  • On the left hand side click on “Dim”. This opens the spreadsheet with the relevant dimensions (red arrow)
  • Enter the data into the spreadsheet. Take care to enter VALUE AND UNIT. 
  • Once happy with the model click on one box (body) or the Assembly (yellow part) on the left hand side. The bin should be displayed highlighted.
  • At the top click on “File” and select “Export”. In the following dialog select to export as “STL Mesh”
  • Slice your STL and print as usual.

Nerdy / Geeky

All chamfers of the model are done “by hand” without any FreeCad tools. All references are in relation to the coordinate system. Consequently you can reuse all models without fearing to face the infamous "topo-naming problem".

Export the STL model

  • Once happy with the model click on “Assembly” on the left hand side (green arrow). The bin should be displayed highlighted. (it should be the active part, right-click + “toggle active part” to make it active)
  • At the top click on “File” and select “Export”. In the following dialog select to export as “STL Mesh”.
  • Slice your STL model and print as usual.

Comments are welcome

This is a quite complex model with many parameters. It will blow up from time to time. If you encounter problems or think other features might be generally useful please drop a comment. Makes are welcome as well :-)


Many samples included….

30.04.23: Initial release.

08.05.23: Rearranged files in multiple folders for easier navigation / usage

15.10.23: Added hint to active-part


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
