Hero Me Gen7 Platform Release4

Hero Me - Modular printhead platform for 3D printers, hot ends, extruders, ABLs, fan ducts, ADXL345 boards, & much more!
49 k
186 k
updated October 1, 2024


I am looking into printing a Hero Me setup for my original CR-10S. You say the hotend mount must not be printed in PETG - If I did use PETG for this, would it have a huge negative impact on print quality due to PETG's flexibility? (edited)

@ZombeeH8er_788453 In the next update (posting later today) the Hotend mount for the stock hotend on a CR-10S ( as well as several other hotend mounts) will be significantly reinforced (more material) to stiffen the mount. If you print the new one with 4 perimeters and 50% infill you should be fine using PETG.

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