Bambu P1P top lid riser for ARC P1P outer shell

A complimentary set for the Bambu P1P ARC shell for raising the top and providing support for a custom lid
updated October 4, 2023



I'm listing this as a remix of @thrutheframe excellent ARC for Bambu Lab P1P outer shell, it uses one of the key joining components in ARC to pull the pieces together.

The purpose is to raise the lid to allow the cable and tube clearance, but also to allow custom plexiglass/acrylic sheets to be used instead of the original X1 glass lid.

!!! This was built for a lid of 344mm x 324mm, which is not the standard bambu/arc top size!!!

You will need to print two of the plates, I didnt need to print anything with a brim, but you may need to add a brim to the corner pieces

The front right corner is slightly different to the other corners, so if you wish you could print 3 of the normal corners and 1 front right, but it doenst make much difference.

You will need 4 of the clips from the original ARC model to connect it all

I have included the 4 clips as additional models for easy printability as a single stl or 3mf with all 4

The 3mf has the alignments i used

Thanks @thrutheframe!


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

ARC Bambu Lab P1P Enclosure
by thrutheframe
This source model was used for remixing before its license was restricted.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Created a remixed version of the side bars to enable led strip light to be stuck to the inside edge.
