Batman: The Animated Series Adventures – Shadow of the Bat - All-In Organizer

An organizer for Batman: The Animated Series - Shadow of the Bat
updated March 1, 2022



First off: The hero boards have no appropriate home with this organizer. I'm storing mine in the the Arkham Asylum box using the bottom try from the Stretch Goals box.

This system uses three prefixes to identify where each part goes: "Main-" "Shadow of the Bat" box "Minis-" "Stretch Goals & Exclusives" box "Terrain-" "All In Big Box" box

Main Box:

The dice trays are designed to work with my Batman the Animated Series - Shadow of the Bat - Dice Matching Shared Action Tokens It will likely also hold Scrabble tiles though I haven't tested them.

If you'd prefer not to use those tokens, Please feel free to remix things.

Print the following files:

*"Main-Full Card Tray.stl" - x2 - These will hold all standard sized cards sleeved with Mayday premium sleeves with plenty of room for some homebrew cards

----or if you have a smaller bed--- *"Main-Card Tray.stl" &"Main-Card Tray 2.stl" - x2 - I printed the full card tray on a Prusa Mk3s, I had to rotate the tray perfectly and it will not work with a brim. *"Main-Dial Counter.stl" - x2 *"Main-Dice Tray.stl" - x3 *"Main-Dice Tray - Supergirl & Zatanna.stl" - x1 *"Main-Dice Tray - Villains.stl" - x2 - I have one extra set of Villain Dice, if you don't have an extra set or have more than 1 extra set, you should consider remixing. *"Main-Health Tokens.stl" - x4 - Holds health, focus, and one other large stack between the dice trays *"Main-Hero Sheets.stl" - x2 - These hold all of the large hero/villain sheets in thin photo protectors (cut the ends of the sleeves down). *"Main-Large Token Tray 1x5 - Tall.stl" - x *"Main-Large Token Tray 1x5.stl" - x1 *"Main-Large Tray.stl" - x1 - This tray and "Main-Large Token Tray 1x5.stl" can be replaced with another "Main-Large Token Tray 1x5 - Tall.stl", I wanted a place to hold the Batman Round Tracker Frame from Ratthy, it fits extra snug in the large tray and the smallest sets of tokens go into the thinner tray. *"Main-Small Token Tray 1x2.stl" |"Main-Small Token Tray 1x3.stl" |"Main-Small Token Tray 2x2.stl" - x3 - Print whatever combination of 3 makes sense to you, I printed one of each *"Main-Token Tray.stl" - x1 - Holds the round terrain tokens and is stored under the health dials

Minis Box - Printed with 0 top and bottom layers, honeycomb infill at 20% (less is fine)

*"Minis-Lvl 1 - 2x1x2.stl" - x2 *"Minis-Lvl 1 - 4x6.stl" - x2 *"Minis-Lvl 2 - 1x2.stl" - x1 - Holds the base rings *"Minis-Lvl 2 - 1x3x4.stl" - x2 *"Minis-Lvl 2 - 2x2.stl" - x0 - This really has no purpose, I was trying somethings and decided that I didn't need it, including it in case you want to try other configurations *"Minis-Lvl 2 - 2x3.stl" - x1 - Clayface lives here *"Minis-Lvl 2 - 2x3x2.stl" - x2 *"Minis-Lvl 2 - 2x4.stl" - x1 - Man-Bat lives here, along with Base Upgrade for BTAS - Shadow of the Bat

Terrain Box - Printed with 0 top and bottom layers, honeycomb infill at 20% (less is fine)

*"Terrain.stl" - x1 - Got a big printer, then print this. Sadly, it wouldn't fit on my Prusa Mk3s

----or if you have a smaller bed--- *"Terrain A.stl" - x1 *"Terrain B.stl" - x1 *"Terrain C.stl" - x1 *"Terrain D.stl" - x1

I printed everything at .3mm resolution, in total there is about 2.5kg or filament in these boxes.

I'm including "Objective Token.stl", I printed 5 of these for the explosive tokens found in the errata sheet from Label correction for Episode Guides by BGG user donrok

The only thing I still need to work on is card dividers but I'm not a graphic designer so I might just hand write them on card stock. If I make anything worth sharing, I post on BGG and link here.

Please feel free to build on what I've produced, maybe tweak things to find a home for the hero boards or a model of the Batmobile. I'm going to keep my Hot Wheels Batmobile with the hero boards in the Arkham Asylum box.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.
