Articulating Raspberry Pi Camera Mount cover with LED strip

This is a remix of the 'Articulating Raspberry Pi Camera Mount for Prusa MK3 and MK2' by sneaks, which can be found…
updated June 15, 2024



NB: You might want to print this with something like PETG or a higher temperature capable material. This will help to prevent warping from the heat of the LED strip.

Perhaps the pinnacle of "If it's stupid, but it works, it's not stupid" This lets you mount two strips of 24V LEDs to the camera face plate to illuminate the print area.

I use an enclosure for printing, so the light levels aren't great, I have a strip of LEDs mounted to the top of the enclosure, but whatever is being printed is pretty much in shadow because of the extruder. Now with this part, I can finally see what is being printed!

Print instructions

Category: 3D Printer Accessories Print Settings

Printer Brand: Prusa

Printer: i3 MK3

Rafts: Yes

Supports: No

Resolution: 0.2

Infill: 20

Filament: Amazon Basics PLA Orange

Use a brim if you don't want the part to come out looking like a banana. The thin sections on the edges will warp. This part should be printed with the flat surfaces facing the build plate.



Once you have laboriously removed all the brim material from the part you can now stick down the strips of LEDs, I used a little dab of hot glue under the ends of each strip, as the adhesive on my LED strips was utter crap.

Solder up the LED strips with a pair of link wires going from one to the other on one end and a pair of wires going from one strip on the other end to your power supply. (I used the PSU on the Prusa i3 MK3 and some WAGO lever nuts.)

Give them a quick test to see if it all works and then once you are satisfied I put a dab of hot glue over the solder joints so the contacts are not exposed.

Install the faceplate onto the camera mount and plug it into your PSU, hey presto, let there be light.


Model origin

The author remixed this model. Imported from Thingiverse.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Altered the camera faceplate to fit a pair of LED strips
