Gravity car phone holder / better clip

Creality Ender 3
June 22, 2023 at 6:40 PM


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@Bananenminist_401847 Sorry for the delayed response, as you can see the phone kind of droops down, if you would shorten the hook and make the end bit slightly longer you wouldn't need the hole for the bolt or the lever. (edited)

@whiz_863984 Just saw what your problem with the tilt looks like. I need to think about this a bit, maybe I can think of something here.

@whiz_863984 It would be relatively easy for me to create the hook in shorter variants.
Would it have to be longer in your case to get a better slope?
If you like, you can also attach a picture ;)

But I'm glad it's a good fit otherwise :)


Hi, yes.

The holder itself is very well designed although I used it without a rubber band because it didn't really fit well in the spot and kept slipping out, Works well without it, would say it works even better because it keeps the phone secured more.

I didn't find a hook model for the size I needed (12 mm) but the 13,5 mm one worked just fine.

The holder could also be tilted slightly as it's a bit hard to look at the phone.

But overall, very clever design, everything fits right and I didn't need to trim or force anything into place.

@whiz_863984 Hi, thanks for your review. Can something be improved?