Friendly Articulated Slug

Very difficult to print. After many failed attempts I finally succeeded with a 350% scale print. I had to use some glue on my PEI plate to prevent it from coming off the plate, by my 3rd attempt at 350% I tried this on with glue and it came out as intended! I had some curling during the print but it still went through. Love it!

After applying these settings and starting the print I turned down the total print speed to 50%, making this a 72-hour print.

Print Settings: Orca Slicer (Slug Model with Brim)
Layer Height - 0.16mm
First Layer Height - 0.2mm
Line Width - Defaults
Sparse Infill Density - 10%
Sparse Infill Pattern - Gyroid

Outer Wall Speed - 60mm/s
Inner Wall Speed - 120mm/s

Overhang Speed:
40mm/s or % (10%, 25%)
25 mm/s or % (25%, 50%)

Brim Type - Outer Brim Only
Brim Object gap - 0.3mm

Nozzle Settings: 0.4mm Nozzle
Print Temperature - 220c
Bed Temperature - 65c
Max Volumetric Speed - 13mm/s

Filament - Inland 1.75mm Glow in Dark Fluorescent PLA

Hopefully this helps someone else! (edited)

Bambu Lab A1
August 14, 2024 at 10:54 PM


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