This is the first prototype of a real-world Iridium Quality Sprinkler with Pressure Nozzles. I designed it to fit over any 6-12' Rainbird pop-up sprinkler (Models 1806AP and 1812AP, in the video below I am showing the 12" popup which has been buried up to the side inlet, about 6" deep). I am still getting this zone calibrated in terms of my water pressure and the type of nozzle. When you turn water on to the zone the popup comes up through the 3D print quickly and efficiently. Here I am showing a U15F nozzle, which should throw the water quite a good distance but also provides close-range watering as well. I'm working on a stone tile print to go underneath ... I wouldn't want to accidentally till this sprinkler up! I'm also already in the process of designing my own Update v1.1 for the design, and I'm open to suggestions and really encourage remixing! I'm very interested to see what the community thinks about the design.
L'auteur n'a pas encore fourni l'origine du modèle.