Swordhilt of Galadriel (The Rings Of Power)

My take on a model of the swordhilt of Galadriel's sword from the Rings of Power.
mis à jour 10 février 2023



My first attempt to model a prop from a tv-show, and it is a work in progress! Model is based on 2D images from the show, and there isn't a lot of good views on this sword i'm afraid… The blade is a complete guesswork as i havn't been abel to find a single photo of it outside it's scabbard. 

Fusion 360 files are there for those who like to modify.

The pommel-model provided is somewhat simplified and not completly accurate to the promotional photos of Galadriel with sword on her back.

I use a 5mm carbonfiber tube as guide for the parts. There are 2 handle models, depending on if you like to add some weight or not. I split the crossguard in the middle and print it as two flat parts to glue together. All the other parts can be printed standing without any need for support. There should be some sort of ‘stone’ in the centerpiece which is not included in the model. The blade should be about 750mm long to match the scale of my version of the hilt.

I print my parts in PETG with a layerheight of 0.25mm on a standard 0.40 mini nozzle, with 15% cubic infill.

Update 20221024: New version of the centerpiece with fewer ridges added.

Update 20221028: Added a short blade model for displays


Origine du modèle

L'auteur a marqué ce modèle comme sa propre création originale.
